They’re Wrong… You’re Not Tweeting Enough

A few years ago, I would have advised people against tweeting too much. In fact, it was a key reason why people unfollowed you on Twitter. Fast forward a few years and Twitter has gone from a few chirps per hour to a deafening roar of autoposts, fake accounts, spammers, and information at a velocity that simply can’t be digested at any comfortable level.
The fact is, if you’re trying to get attention in a loud room, you have to either raise your voice or keep repeating yourself. Twitter is a loud room… insanely loud.
I continue to read rules with regard to Twitter online. Rules continue to be published about the best time to Tweet and Tweeting too much. I decided to test these rules. In fact, I didn’t just do a tiny test, I blew Twitter up.
Don’t Get Me Wrong
Do I like screaming in a loud room? No. Do I like repeating myself? No… I absolutely hate it. And I’m sure some people will tell me that the advice I’m about to give will add to the problem and not help solve it.
The problem isn’t people like me. The problem is the room. Every day for many years, I’ve actively participated in the Twitterverse and tried to provide value, entertainment, assistance and conversation. Over time, though, I’ve grown weary of Twitter. I open my feed and a small percentage of the conversation is of value.
Virtually every day I block a spammer. When I look at their page, they have one message repeated hundreds of times. Seriously, how difficult is it for Twitter to put a filter on accounts to ensure they’re not repeating their message over and over?!
So, until Twitter decides to do something about the quality and quantity of information shared via Twitter, I’ve decided to break the rules of my social media colleagues. Oh… and it worked.
Tweeting Every Hour, 24 Hours A Day
Jenn introduced me to a great WordPress plugin called Revive Old Post. While there’s a free version, I’d highly recommend paying for the additional features included in the incredible Pro version. The version has a ton more features and enhances the ability to push your content with a featured image directly from WordPress. The plugin also allows for integration so that you can measure the click-through rate from the shared links.
Here’s an example of how the Twitter Card appears
Check Out our New Site… and our New Resources
#content #wordpress
— Marketing Technology (@martech_zone) June 24, 2015
I set the plugin up to post random content within the last year every hour on Twitter. While I used to post 2 to 4 updates a day, now I published 24 to 30 times a day. With that much noise, you’d think I would lose all my followers and drive my engagement in the tank. Nope.
The Result of Tweeting Too Much
Statistics don’t lie and my Twitter Analytics as well as my site’s Google Analytics are telling me that this was an amazing move! Here’s a break down:
- Engagement Rate From 0.5% to over 2.1%!
- Tweet Impressions UP 159.5% to 322,000.
- Profile Visits UP 45.6% to 2,080.
- Followers UP 216 to 42,600.
- Retweets UP 105.0% to 900.
- Tweets Linking to You UP 34.3% to 6,352.
- Site Traffic from Twitter UP 238.7% to 1,952 visits.
I’m not sure how I can argue with these statistics. I haven’t lost followers, I gained followers. I haven’t lost engagement, it quadrupled. I haven’t lost site visits, they’ve doubled. Every single metric points to the fact that, by massively increasing the number of published tweets, I’ve substantially improved my performance on Twitter.
Why? It seems pretty clear that, not only am I not bothering my current followers, my tweets are being seen more, retweeted more, and clicked more. If I were to make an analogy, it would be that you’re driving down the street in busy traffic and a tweet is a billboard. The chances of traffic seeing your billboard is pretty slim. but if you could put a billboard every mile or so, the chances of being seen are far better.
Don’t Listen to Me!
Don’t rely on my example to just crank up your noise on Twitter. Remember that I’m just sharing Twitter Cards with content of value more often. I also wouldn’t be afraid of sharing the same exact Tweet more than once per day. Chances are that your followers won’t see it more than once. Try doubling your Twitter publish rate and see how it impacts your analytics. If it works, try doubling it again. Let me know how it goes in the comments.
Disclosure: My Revive Old Post link is an affiliate link. I liked it so much that I immediately signed up for a partnership with them.