Stats That Will Help Get You More Instagram Likes and Follows

A few weeks ago, Jenn Lisak spoke with Dave – also known as Kewiki – about visual communication strategies online. If you’ve not followed Kewiki… his account is a must follow. He’s nearing a quarter of a million followers and the incredible visual work he puts online daily will take your breath away. Dave is a great example of how to engage on Instagram! His efforts to engage have led to him working around the globe.
Of course, I’m also a long-time fan of Dan Zarrella, who often posts data visually that provides a different perspective on data. I often leave his examples with more questions than conclusions – and I believe that’s exactly what he tries to accomplish.
I recently spent some time collecting a large Instagram database and analyzing it to identify the characteristics that make images work (or not work). The result is the infographic below. If you’re curious about the nerdy details of the dataset, there are details at the bottom of it. Dan Zarrella, The Science of Instagram
Some of the findings are quite intriguing… such as whether or not highly modified images utilizing different Instagram filters garner more or less attention. Or whether a photo submitted with more tags works. Whether a photo that’s more or less complex gets viewed more or less. Whether or not dark or light images are shared more. Or even whether or not a call-to-action on your description will result in getting more likes. The results will surprise you!